22 Oct

When it comes to making a sound investment decision, there are lots of factors that play a prominent role in ensuring the desired outcomes. To a very large extent, this seems quite true. Before you being your journey of stock investment, it is very much necessary to have a detailed understanding of all the elements that affect your decision to invest.

And at a time when there is a strong fad about stock investment in India, it is no wonder why most of them end up losing their hard-earned money into not-so-worthy stocks. It is not like that only associating with the best stock broker in India would help you get the best returns. You need to involve yourself to achieve your investment objectives. To help you, here are 5 important things that you must know before investing in stocks.

  • Don’t bring emotions in investment

The first and foremost thing to keep in mind that there is no space for emotions while investing in stocks. Any decision taken from an emotional perspective is more likely to make you suffer losses rather than any gains.

Within a few months, the markets have started recovering and, on its way, to jump back. While some firms faced losses due to the economy coming to a halt, stocks of essentially strong companies endured the crisis and started their path to recovery. If investors wouldn’t have panicked and analyzed the stocks that they need to sell and the ones that they should hold on to, their losses could have been restricted.

  • Diversify your investment

Sound investors are continuously searching for ways to get awesome returns while mitigating risks. While evading risks is not possible, you can always develop a portfolio that is intended to limit your risk exposure and offers a great opportunity to increase your wealth.

Diversification refers to the process of investing in securities that have nil or zero association with your portfolio. Put simply, the performance of one security must have little or zero impression on the lumpsum returns of your investment portfolio. Ranking high on the list of share market tips for beginners, diversification should be kept in mind pretty early in your investment voyage.

  • Don’t follow market experts and trends blindly

In most cases, investors just follow tips being broadcasted on television or net and put their money in the suggested stocks through their best stock broker in India. Though it may seem easy and effective, this is actually not a sound stock investment strategy. Following such experts blindly or following market trends without examining whether the reference matches your investment objectives can be risky.

A majority of investors respond to market conditions. Hence, when the markets are rising, the majority of investors invest more under the conjecture that they will increase further. On the other side, a few days of falls can trigger panic selling.

  • Avoid attempting to anticipate the market

A great investor stays away from speculation and bases his investment decisions on data and fundamental factors of the company. Most fresh investors stare at stocks with an easy viewpoint of buying low and selling high. These guarantees profit and saves them the exertion of researching the stock or going through financial statements, etc.

However, this is a dangerous approach since it pushes them to presume the lows and the highs. While you can get lucky once or twice, this is surely not a long-term investment strategy.

  • Be realistic about returns

Stocks are meant to give the best returns among all investment avenues available. Usually, one can imagine getting returns in the range of 15-25% over the long-term. The web has lots of stories of stocks that yield more than 100% returns. While these stories might be factual, they are also infrequent and impulsive.

Apart from choosing from the top 10 stock brokers in India, a smart stock investor keeps a close track of all leading international and national events and keeps rebalancing his portfolio as required.

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